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Trace elements in aquatic environments

Our group has conducted researches in river, estuarine, coastal, continental shelf, marginal sea and open ocean waters in order to elucidate relevant and important processes involving trace elements.

Trace elements in natural samples

Our lab is capable to analyze trace element concentrations in various natural environmental samples, including waters, sediments, soils, and organisms.

Trace element speciation

Species of trace elements in natural environments reveal the involvement of the elements to various environmental processes. They also affect chemical reactivity, bioavailability, behavior, and transporting fate of the elements.

Recent Projects

  • Effects of Water Chemistry on the Accumulation of Trace Metals in Bivalve Organisms

  • 水化學與貝類生物體內重金屬濃度蓄積程度關係研究

  • Transport and Biogeochemical Dynamics of Dissolved and Particulate Trace Metals in Estuarine and Coastal Waters discharged from Major Rivers in southwestern Taiwan

  • 台灣西南沿岸河口及海域之重金屬傳輸及生地化動力研究

  • Determination and distribution of dissolved chemical affinity fractions of trace elements in aquatic environments

  • 自然水環境中溶解態微量元素化學反應性物種研究

  • Effects of hydrochemical conditions on the distribution and partitioning of trace metals in coastal waters around Taiwan

  • 水文化學與微量元素分布與分配的關係

  • Characteristics of trace metal composition in coastal and estuarine suspended particulate matter and sediments

  • 近岸及河口環境懸浮顆粒及沉積物重金屬組成特性研究

Research: Research
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